Shoulder replacement surgery was once utilized distinctly in cases of complex fractures at the shoulder joint, yet now the surgery offers relief for individuals experiencing extreme joint pain or other shoulder conditions.
The idea of joint replacement might be scary, however the surgery is moderately clear and gives tremendous relief from pain, while helping you recover your scope of movement. Shoulder replacement surgery is typically viewed as a choice when conservative treatments, for example, prescriptions and non-intrusive treatment, fail to relieve your pain or improve your compromised function.
Read on to realize why the specialist Dr. Kirthi Paladugu may prescribe shoulder replacement surgery and how you may profit.
A few kinds of arthritis in the shoulder joint can be so painful and reduce your shoulder function so much that you need shoulder replacement surgery.
Osteoarthritis is diagnosed when the ligament that gives a pad between the bones that meet at the shoulder joint erodes. This leads bone rubbing against bone, making joint movement uncomfortable and stiff.
Osteoarthritis as a rule happens with age and isn't generally preventable. At the point when the ligament is sufficiently corrupted, a shoulder replacement might be the best way to discover help.
Rheumatoid arthritis is an immune system condition in which changes in the layer that surrounds your shoulder joint gets aggravated. This irritation can in the long run harm your ligament to a point that you lose mobility and have serious pain. A shoulder replacement is some of the time the best way to get relief.
Post-traumatic arthritis in which you experience ligament harm because of serious injury could be another purpose behind shoulder replacement surgery.
In many cases, minor rotator cuff tears can be managed with non-surgical therapies or surgical repair of the soft tissue. In any case, on the off chance that you've had an large rotator cuff tear for some time, changes in your shoulder joint may begin to happen that can lead joint arthritis and destruction of the cartilage. In these cases, you might be best off having a shoulder replacement.
Avascular necrosis is diagnosed when the blood supply to a bone is intruded. The bone cells can potentially die without this source of nutrition, damaging the shoulder joint. You may endure this painful condition because of overindulgence in liquor, sickle cell infection, remote ocean plunging, chronic steroid use, or an extreme crack to the shoulder. Shoulder replacement surgery can restore the dying bone.
If you have a severe fracture in which the head of the humerus, or arm bone, shatters, even the expert surgeon Dr. Kirthi Paladugu may have trouble piecing the fragments back together. And even if they can reattach the pieces, the blood supply to them may be interrupted.
In these cases, a shoulder replacement might be the best treatment. These serious fractures frequently happen in more established patients with advanced osteoporosis.
Trust Dr. Kirthi Paladugu Shoulder Repacement Surgery to manage you in settling on the choice about shoulder joint replacement. Consider our office or book a meeting on the online if your shoulder pain isn't reacting great to moderate treatments.
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Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon,
Srikara Hospitals,#222 & 223,
Mythri Nagar,Phase-II,
Miyapur,Hyderabad-500 049.
Srikara Hospital, Hyderabad.
To Contact: + 91 9177 679 797
E-Mail ID: dr.kirthi.paladugu@gmail.com
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